Best ski tours
Lugauer 2206 m
Johnsbach - Kölblwirt Gesäuse Austria
- Length of ascent11 km
- ascent1680 m
- duration6,5-8,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦♦
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Lugauer is a distinctive mountain rightfully called Styrian Matterhorn. Ascent is long, due to elevation and length, so it is good fitness advantage. Excellent experience promises a conclusion ascent over the forest. Finish on the ridge in the crampons.
Festkogel 2269 m
Johnsbach - Kölblwirt Gesäuse Austria
- Length of ascent5,5 km
- ascent1430 m
- duration6-8 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Festkogel is a very attractive ski tour between the rocks with a breathtaking view of the whole Gesäuse and the Enns valley. From the parking (of the Hesshütte), nearby the restaurant and Hotel Kölblwirt towards the waterfall along the trail. Continue through a steep narrow rock ditch towards the tower Schneekarturm. Around the tower until the last part of the climb. By frequent crossing of steep slopes, the Festkogel is recommended a ski trip in stable conditions.
Hochbrunner Schneid / Monte Popera 3046 m
Sextener Dolomiten / Dolomiti Sesto - Sexten, Fischleintal Dolomiti Italy
- Length of ascent7 km
- ascent1592 m
- duration6-8 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦♦
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
The most eastern 3000 peak of the Sexten Alps, a great yet challenging ski tour. In the second half of the tour are steep slopes, over 35 °. A great view of Tre Cime from an unusual angle.
Information about Skitours and Mountain huts
skitours and mountain huts
5 Skitouren in Kärntens Bergen 12. 01. 2019 German
n den Nordalpen bleibt die Lawinensituation weiterhin angespannt (Lawinenwarnstufe 4 bis 5). Doch südlich des Alpenhhautpkamms, in den Gailtaler-, Lavanttaler und Karnischen Alpen sowie den Karawanken, herrschen momentan gute Tourenbedingungen. Wir stellen euch 5 Skitouren in Kärnten vor.
tags: Kärnten
skitours and mountain huts
New Zealand Ski Touring Experience 2018 Julia Dubinina 5. 11. 2018 English
Our NZ adventure began with 20+ hours of travel, learning to drive on the wrong side of the road in a giant camper van, consuming delicious meat pies, visiting friends, a bit of sleep, and lots of sheep...
tags: New Zealand
skitours and mountain huts
Coast Mountain Traverse Complete! 19. 01. 2018 English
I understand that's it's officially summer today and skiing might be in the summer storage bin on the back burner of your mind but the Coast mountain epic has finally been completed. If you haven't been following this epic saga here's the nitty gritty of what you need to know.
skitours and mountain huts
Vom Gipfel bis zum Fjord: Skitouren in Nordnorwegen 1. 12. 2017 German
Unverspurte Pulverschneehänge, Abfahrten vom Gipfel bis zum Fjord und dann mit dem Boot zurück zur Lodge wo der Whirlpool...
tags: skitouring
skitours and mountain huts
Ski Norway Robert Pursell 20. 11. 2017 English
The Way It Was Always Meant To Be Skied: By Train