články o skialpovém vybavení
Lavinová výbava je při skialpinismu nutnost
skitouren.guru Komerční prezentace 6. 01. 2025 Englisch
Lavinové nebezpečí je neodmyslitelně spjato se skialpinismem a pohybem v zimních horách. Bez správné lavinové výbavy byste neměli na svahy vůbec vyrážet. Jednou z nejuznávanějších značek v oblasti lavinové prevence a vybavení je špičková německá značka ORTOVOX, kte...
Tags: nouzové vybavení, Ortovox, vybavení, lavinové vybavení
Her er Dynafits nye Superlite 150
friflyt.no Henning Reinton 8. 11. 2019 Norwegisch
Dynafit satser superlett foran 20-21-sesongen med den nye Superlite 150-bindingen og en ny serie ski kalt Blacklight.
A Few Favorite Avy Shovels — 2019
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 7. 11. 2019 Englisch
Overview of recommended avalanche rescue shovels, for ski touring and backcountry mountaineering. Light weight and strong. The post A Few Favorite Avy Shovels — 2019 appeared first on - The Backcountry Ski Touring Blog.
Tags: shovel
Was Ihr vor dem Saisonstart erledigen solltet
alpin.de Olaf Perwitzschky 6. 11. 2019 Deutsch
Wir sagen Euch, was Ihr tun solltet, bevor Ihr in die Skitouren-Saison startet. Die Ski- und insbesondere die Tourensaison steht vor der Tür. Das Material muss nach dem langen Sommerschlaf aus dem Keller oder vom Dachboden geholt und entstaubt werden...
8 fixations pour débuter le ski de randonnée
montagnes-magazine.com Aymeric Guittet, 4. 11. 2019 Französisch
À la différence du ski de piste, les fixations de ski de rando influencent en grande partie votre pratique. Voici le comparatif 2020 pour vous y retrouver selon votre profil.
Tags: binding
Airbag or Beacon — Which Would You Choose?
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 4. 11. 2019 Englisch
Imagine you are stuck at a hut. You usually sport both an avalanche beacon transceiver and an airbag backpack. But this time you only get one or the other. Which would you choose? The post Airbag or Beacon — Which Would You Choose? appeared first on - The Backcountry Ski Touring Blog.
Tags: avalanche airbag
Jak voskovat, impregnovat a obnovovat lepidlo pásů
Skitourguru.com Vojtěch Tryzna - Summit Trade 3. 11. 2019 Tschechisch
Článek o skitourguru.com: Pásy jsou nepostradatelné, ale často přehlížené. Touto optikou se svět skialpu a freetouringu často dívá na nedílnou součást výbavy, bez které, ruku na srdce, by se nám v závějích vzhůru šlapat nechtělo. I přesto, že čas výstupu může často při túrách tvořit i 80 % času z celé výpravy, jedna část vybavení je často př...
Tags: stoupací pásy
Testbericht: Kästle TX90
bergsteiger.de Bergsteiger 1. 11. 2019 Deutsch
Jedes Jahr neue Trends und Modelle sowie eine riesige Auswahl: Der Weg zum Traumski ist für potenzielle Käufer nicht immer einfach. Wir sorgen für die richtige Orientierung und hatten bereits die besten Modelle für den Winter 2019/20 im
Climbing Skins — Easy Tips to Keep ‘Em Touring
wildsnow.com Doug Stenclik 29. 10. 2019 Englisch
Care and maintenance of your ski touring climbing skins needn't be rocket science. Here, best practices for drying, storing and maintaining your skins. The post Climbing Skins — Easy Tips to Keep ‘Em Touring appeared first on - The Backcountry Ski Touring Blog.
Tags: skins
“Skitourenbindungen zu entwickeln ist unsere Berufung, Exzellenz unser Ziel” G. Indulti
gipfelbuch.ch Gipfelbuch.ch 28. 10. 2019 Deutsch
ATK Geschichte ist – mehr als die eines Unternehmens – jene einer Familie. ATK wurde 2007 von der Familie Indulti, welche bereits bekannt war für ihre mechanischen Hochpräzisionsprodukte in anderen Bereichen
Tags: binding, ATK Bindings
Ortovox Ascent 40 Avabag
backcountryskiingcanada.com Backcountryskiingcanada.com 23. 10. 2019 Englisch
We first saw Ortovox’s new Ascent 40 Avabag at the Outdoor Retailer Show in 2018 and instantly knew it was worth a closer look. With a volume of just 1.8 litres, the Avabag is the world's smallest and lightest Airbag system and it’s now built into Ortovox’s new 40L Ascent pack.
Tags: avalanche airbag
A Guide’s Take on First Aid and Repair Kits
wildsnow.com Guest Blogger 22. 10. 2019 Englisch
Gear and people repair kits for backcountry ski touring. The post A Guide’s Take on First Aid and Repair Kits appeared first on - The Backcountry Ski Touring Blog.
Get That Beacon up to Snuff — 6 Steps
wildsnow.com Julia Dubinina 21. 10. 2019 Englisch
Pre-season steps to a fully functioning beacon It’s 8:00 pm and you are trying to get your gear together for that first tour of the year — do you know where your beacon is? And if you did finally find… The post Get That Beacon up to Snuff — 6 Steps appeared first on - The Backcountry Ski Touring Blog.
Tags: avalanche transceiver
10 Tips to Prevent Tech Binding Pre-Release
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 16. 10. 2019 Englisch
As part of our Dynafit Tech Tips, we bring you some updates on of the most important tip list of all. Follow these tips to ensure your faithful bindings are working properly. For years the battle for universal tech binding acceptance raged on in the touring world. User error, from both ski techs and the backcountry skier, led to many myths about pre-release.
Tags: binding
Arva Reveals Evo5 Avalanche Beacon (amended)
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 14. 10. 2019 Englisch
It began at the dawn of humanity when flint knappers made the smallest knives and arrow points possible for their tribe’s non-mechanized hunters — and continues to the present, as phones thin, batteries lean, living space shrinks — and human power takes the moral highground. The quest for miniaturization: as part of human endeavor as, procreation? Not quite. But, almost?
Tags: avalanche transceiver
Beacon Review — Black Diamond Recon BT
wildsnow.com Louie Dawson 11. 10. 2019 Englisch
he Recon BT keeps it basic with a few key upgrades. I’m ashamed to say that I’ve undoubtedly waited too long to update my beacon. In my defense, my old Pieps DSP has been my trusty companion for years, and hasn’t let me down once, nor has it ever failed a frequency check or had anything else happen that would indicate it was worn out.
Tags: avalanche transceiver
Boot Fitting Tips for Ski Touring Comfort
wildsnow.com Doug Stenclik 8. 10. 2019 Englisch
5 Tips for better fitting boots. October is here and if the toe nails you lost last season were to come back, they would have done so by now. With your feet healed, it’s time to start thinking about how to take care of them for the upcoming season.
Tags: bootfitting, Skiboots
La Sportiva Skorpius CR — First Look Review
wildsnow.com Doug Stenclik 4. 10. 2019 Englisch
Skorpius CR: A touring boot with race ambitions. What’s in a name? The new Skorpius CR from La Sportiva gives the impression that putting on these boots will turn me into a transformer in a superhero movie.
Tags: Skiboots
Fritschi zeigt die Xenic 10 – 280 Gramm leichte Pin-Bindung
outdoor-guide.ch Thomas Ebert 15. 01. 2019 Deutsch
Der Schweizer Bindungshersteller Fritschi hat eine neue Tourenbindung angekündigt. Die Xenic 10 soll zum Winter 2019/20 am Markt erhältlich sein. Mit 280 Gramm wird die Xenic 10 die bisher leichteste Bindung von Fritschi sein.
Tags: Fritschi Swiss, bindung
Mammut, da domani l’app Connect porta la tecnologia NFC nel mondo outdoor
skialper.it Bulička Michal 14. 01. 2019 Italienisch
La tecnologia NFC, presente sulla maggior parte dei moderni smartphone, fa la sua comparsa nel mondo dell’abbigliamento e dell’attrezzatura outdoor. Il marchio svizzero Mammut ha infatti annunciato che da domani sarà disponibile per il download sui negozi digitali App Store e Google Play...
Tags: avalanche airbag