články o skialpovém vybavení
Arcteryx Voltair 30 liter Airbag — Review
wildsnow.com Art Burrows 22. 11. 2018 English
Voltair is a well designed electric airbag with functional design features that increase both safety and usability. In my opinion, the strong pros clearly out weigh the smaller negatives.
tags: Arcteryx, avalanche airbag
Test Atomic Backland Ski Modell 2018
bergsteigen.com bergsteigen.com 19. 11. 2018 German
Atomic ist der weltweit größte Skihersteller und die Nummer zwei im Bereich Skischuhe – mit seiner kompletten Backland-Kollektion fürs Backcountry ist Atomic auch die am schnellsten wachsende Touring-Marke...
G3 ZED Anti-Rotation — A Winner?
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 19. 11. 2018 English
The 2018-2019 ZED ski touring binding from G3 appears to possess an excellent anti-rotation (AR) feature. Simple. Yet like most things simple — that work — someone probably put a lot of thought into this...
Co umí (a neumí) bootfitting
Skitourguru.com Michal Bulička 19. 11. 2018 Czech
Článek o skitourguru.com: Přizpůsobení lyžařských bot přesně podle tvaru vašich nohou, to je sen každého sjezdového lyžaře. Protože skialpinista stráví při výstupu násobně více času než během sjezdu, je u něj faktor pohodlných bot ještě důležitější.
tags: Skiboots
powderguide.com Lea Hartl 18. 11. 2018 German
Fritz Barthel, Vater der Pinbindung, und Eric Hjorleifson, Freeridelegende und Materialfreak, tüfteln gern zusammen an Skischuhen und...
Lost Secrets of ZED (the G3 Ski Touring Binding)
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 16. 11. 2018 English
G3 helped us out some time ago with a technical look at their ZED binding. Overall we were favorably impressed, but I wanted a little more time with the sweet thing.
Test: Das sind die besten Tourenski der Wintersaison 2018/19
alpin.de Olaf Perwitzschky 14. 11. 2018 German
Skitourengehen ist mittlerweile eine Boom-Sportart. Mit der Masse an Aktiven wird der Fächer des Tourensports immer breiter. Ändern sich dadurch auch die Ski? Wir haben 21 Paar Tourenski getestet.
tags: ski, season 18-19
Materialtest - Völkl VTA 108
powderguide.com Lukas Zögernitz 12. 11. 2018 German
“Die optimale Balance zwischen Aufstiegs- und Abfahrtsperformance” verspricht Völkl für den VTA 108. Diese Balance zwischen geringem...
Pieps mit neuen LVS-Geräten - Pieps Pro BT und Pieps Powder BT
tourenwelt.at Christof Simon 10. 11. 2018 German
In dieser Wintersaison kommt wieder etwas mehr Schwung in den LVS-Markt. Neben Software-Updates haben einige Hersteller auch neue Geräte am Start...
Contour Climbing Skins — New and Factory 2018-2019
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 25. 10. 2018 English
We liked the original Hybrid glue that Contour began testing in fall of 2014 (they distributed 100 pairs that first season). There were a few glitches along the way, but nothing heinous...
Hoji Pro Ski Touring Boot On-Snow Testing
wildsnow.com The Editors OfWildsnow 27. 01. 2018 English
tags: Dynafit
5 Tricks, damit der Skischuh passt
Bergwelten.com bergwelten.com 24. 01. 2018 German
Lost Machine of Archimedes? Tecton-Evo-Vipec Teardown
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 18. 01. 2018 English
Going toe to toe with a Fritschi Diamir Tecton Evo toe, a few pin punches and a torx bit got us to the guts. In pictures. (Since this toe is identical to Fritschi Evo, for the purposes of this article we’ll often term it as “Tecton Evo.”)
tags: binding, Fritschi Swiss
Test Terrain de la Marker Alpinist : une fixation pratique et joueuse
montagnes-magazine.com Aymeric Guittet 17. 01. 2018 French
Fini, le temps où une fixation légère n'offrait que peu de garantie à la descente. Malgré son poids plume, la Marker Alpinist s'est avérée un intermédiaire sûr à la descente. De quoi faire...
Marker Alpinist — Another “U-Pin” U-Spring Binding
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 16. 01. 2018 English
Ski Factory Dispatch: Black Diamond, Handmade in Austria
wildsnow.com Dr Alex Lee 13. 01. 2018 English
(Editor’s note: Our correspondent Alex is on a press trip in Austria checking out Black Diamond’s skis. We’re excited about this, as the BD ski story has been confusing for consumers due to a preponderance of models and manufacturing venus.
tags: Black Diamond, lyže
G3 ZED — On Snow Ski Touring Binding Test
wildsnow.com Louie Dawson 12. 01. 2018 English
New Ski Touring Gear From G3 — 2018/2019
wildsnow.com Lisa Dawson 12. 01. 2018 English
Worker bees have been busy at G3, developing new items in almost all of their product categories (gems covered here will begin retail in fall of 2018, and be field tested by us over coming months).
Alien 1.0 von Scarpa
bergsteigen.com Axel 11. 01. 2018 German
tags: Scarpa
G3 Finds the Lost Ski Binding of ZED
wildsnow.com Lou Dawson 9. 01. 2018 English
Ski touring gear archaeologists across the world sifted through dusty parts bins, dug like starving gold prospectors through European industrial dumping grounds, and even excavated through the sifting bone dust of ancient tombs. The search at times appeared endless — ultimately taking nearly half a century.