Best ski tours
Diechterhorn (day 3, h.r. Swiss Glacier) 3389 m
Trifthütte Urner Alps Switzerland
- Length of ascent12 km
- ascent2100 m
- duration10-12 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦♦
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Hiking on top of fantastic lookout tower. Glacier skitour. At the end, you will reach the summit from the north, to the top of the climbing terrain. Next continue to the Diechterlimi saddle and from there a fantastic downhill run to Gelmerhütte and then to the Gelmersee dam. If the lake is not frozen, the route along the northern bank can be very challenging, depending on the snow conditions. After crossing the dam, is coming downhill, often very complicated, traversing western slope to the Grimselpass road. After that, a bit on the parking lot under the Räterichsboden dam and at first a steep traverse to Bächlihütte - a hut on the top.
Puezspitz (Day 2, H.R. Dolomiten Südtirol) 2913 m
Campill - Pension Odles Dolomiti Italy
- Length of ascent8 km
- ascent1700 m
- duration6,5-8,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Puezspitze (Dolomites, Puez-Geisler). Ski tour to the distinctive Dolomite peak through the steep corridor between the rocks. Excellent views to the Val Gardena valley and the rocky Sella massif. Split downhill through the Gardenaccia plateau to the Alta Badia area.
Cresta Bianca 2932 m
Dolomiti d´Ampezzo - Cortina, Cimabanche, Schluderbach Dolomiti Italy
- Length of ascent6 km
- ascent1380 m
- duration4-5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Cresta Bianca je fantasická a náročná túra v masivu Cristallo. Po nástupu u hospůdky Cimabanche / Im Gemärk na rozhraní Südtirol a Veneto se stoupá členitým žlabem Val Pra de Vecia ve stínu severního svahu. Po dlouhém prudkém výstupu následuje traverz východním směrem do sedla Forcella Verde a dlouhý, ale přehledný výstup kotlem Graol de Forame až do sedla Forcella Granda. Odtud v mačkách na nedaleký vrchol Cresta Bianca. Pokud se na začátku sjezdu ze sedla budete držet vpravo, dostanete se do sedla s velkolepým výhledem na Tre Cime i kotel Val Fonda. Další sjezd kopíruje výstupovou trasu.
Information about Skitours and Mountain huts
skitours and mountain huts
5 Skitouren in Kärntens Bergen 12. 01. 2019 German
n den Nordalpen bleibt die Lawinensituation weiterhin angespannt (Lawinenwarnstufe 4 bis 5). Doch südlich des Alpenhhautpkamms, in den Gailtaler-, Lavanttaler und Karnischen Alpen sowie den Karawanken, herrschen momentan gute Tourenbedingungen. Wir stellen euch 5 Skitouren in Kärnten vor.
tags: Kärnten
skitours and mountain huts
New Zealand Ski Touring Experience 2018 Julia Dubinina 5. 11. 2018 English
Our NZ adventure began with 20+ hours of travel, learning to drive on the wrong side of the road in a giant camper van, consuming delicious meat pies, visiting friends, a bit of sleep, and lots of sheep...
tags: New Zealand
skitours and mountain huts
Coast Mountain Traverse Complete! 19. 01. 2018 English
I understand that's it's officially summer today and skiing might be in the summer storage bin on the back burner of your mind but the Coast mountain epic has finally been completed. If you haven't been following this epic saga here's the nitty gritty of what you need to know.
skitours and mountain huts
Vom Gipfel bis zum Fjord: Skitouren in Nordnorwegen 1. 12. 2017 German
Unverspurte Pulverschneehänge, Abfahrten vom Gipfel bis zum Fjord und dann mit dem Boot zurück zur Lodge wo der Whirlpool...
tags: skitouring
skitours and mountain huts
Ski Norway Robert Pursell 20. 11. 2017 English
The Way It Was Always Meant To Be Skied: By Train