Krušné hory
Best ski tours
Seekofel - Croda del Becco 2810 m
Pragser Dolomiten - Dolomiti di Braies Dolomiti Italy
- Length of ascent8 km
- ascent1370 m
- duration5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Skialpová túra na Seekofel (italsky Croda del Becco) od jezera Pragser Wildsee (Lago di Braies( slibuje velký vyhlídkový zážitek, jak už to bývá u túr v Dolomitech. Nádherné skály lemující jezero a následně výstup údolíčkem a členitým terénem na náhorní plošinu. Následuje odbočka vravo, západním směrem a nad chatou Seekofelhütte do sedla Ofenscharte / Forcella della Forno. Odtud po hřebenu (často vyfoukaný) na vrchol. Letecký pohled na jezero Pragser Wildsee i protější vrchol Kleine Gaisl. V dáli je vidět Tofana i TreCime di Lavaredo. Sjezd po trase výstupu s možností varianty západně od výstupové linie.
Hohe Wilde / Hochwilde 3461 m
Langtalereckhütte Ötztal Alps / Alpi Venoste Austria
- Length of ascent8 km
- ascent1040 m
- duration6-8 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Hohe Wilde (Langtalereck Hütte, Ötztaler Alpen) is a distinctive mountain at the end of the Langtaler Ferner glacier with a challenging finisch to the summit.
Flüela Wisshorn 3085 m
Davos Albula Alps Switzerland
- Length of ascent6,5 km
- ascent1360 m
- duration5,5-7 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Flüela Wisshorn is the most interesting ski tour around Davos. It is offered to do an interesting round with two great downhills. The north slope to the Jöriseen lakes promises powder, while the south slopes to the Flüelatal valley promise firn. The ascent is not very demanding, at the end to the summit without skis with the help of crampons, then down to Jöriseen and noc once in the nameless saddle. Finally departure to the Flüelatal. Attention, in 2019 there was a landslide of stones in the area of the ascent route, which therefore changes the ascent route.
Information about Skitours and Mountain huts
5 Skitouren in Kärntens Bergen 12. 01. 2019 German
n den Nordalpen bleibt die Lawinensituation weiterhin angespannt (Lawinenwarnstufe 4 bis 5). Doch südlich des Alpenhhautpkamms, in den Gailtaler-, Lavanttaler und Karnischen Alpen sowie den Karawanken, herrschen momentan gute Tourenbedingungen. Wir stellen euch 5 Skitouren in Kärnten vor.
tags: Kärnten
New Zealand Ski Touring Experience 2018 Julia Dubinina 5. 11. 2018 English
Our NZ adventure began with 20+ hours of travel, learning to drive on the wrong side of the road in a giant camper van, consuming delicious meat pies, visiting friends, a bit of sleep, and lots of sheep...
tags: New Zealand
Coast Mountain Traverse Complete! 19. 01. 2018 English
I understand that's it's officially summer today and skiing might be in the summer storage bin on the back burner of your mind but the Coast mountain epic has finally been completed. If you haven't been following this epic saga here's the nitty gritty of what you need to know.
Vom Gipfel bis zum Fjord: Skitouren in Nordnorwegen 1. 12. 2017 German
Unverspurte Pulverschneehänge, Abfahrten vom Gipfel bis zum Fjord und dann mit dem Boot zurück zur Lodge wo der Whirlpool...
tags: skitouring
Ski Norway Robert Pursell 20. 11. 2017 English
The Way It Was Always Meant To Be Skied: By Train