- Preis:
- 849 €
- filtr_gender
- men, unisex
- Zielgruppe
- Skitouring
- speziell für Frauen
- Nein
- Länge
- 146, 154, 162, 170, 176, 182 cm
- Seitenzug - Tip
- 124 mm
- Seitenzug - Mitte
- 85 mm
- Seitenzug - Tail
- 104 mm
- Optimale Ski für die Schwungradien
- krátký oblouk
- Radius
- 16,0 /12 /15 m
- double/triple Radius
- Nein
- Gewicht (Paar)
- 2380 g
- Radius und Gewicht @ Länge
- 170 cm
- Konstruktion und Technologie im Ski
- semi hybrid (camber/front auto rocker)
- Carbon
- Ja
- Titanal
- Nein
- Paulownia
- Ja
- anderes Holz
- Nein
- weitere Materiallien
- carbon/textolite plate/gum
- empfohlene Tourenfelle
- Majesty hot-melt
- maßgeschneidert für Ski
- Ja
- Konstruktionstyp der Ski
- semi-cap
- Beschreibung
- High performance carbon touring skis. Ultra-lightweight & fast! When your goal is to tread that thin line between ultralight and functional, the Superscout fits the bill. Sure, you can join your skimo fitness friend for a few jaunts up the local ski area. But while he's monitoring heart rate and timing his transitions, you can focus on the fun part: the skiing. The Superscout Carbon is laid up with carbon fiber around a lightweight wood core, so you can get the power and bite on firm snow without sacrificing any sort of weight penalty on your fourth – or fifth – lap. Lightweight paulownia core was upgraded with poplar for extra re-bound and durability. Downhill performance and control that helps you ski with full confidence. Superscout Carbon is an extremely responsive ski built for advanced touring and it offers a perfect balance between uphill performance and skiing in highly variable conditions.
- Skibreite
- schmal
- Webseite der Marke
High performance carbon touring skis. Ultra-lightweight & fast! When your goal is to tread that thin line between ultralight and functional, the Superscout fits the bill. Sure, you can join your skimo fitness friend for a few jaunts up the local ski area. But while he's monitoring heart rate and timing his transitions, you can focus on the fun part: the skiing. The Superscout Carbon is laid up with carbon fiber around a lightweight wood core, so you can get the power and bite on firm snow without sacrificing any sort of weight penalty on your fourth – or fifth – lap. Lightweight paulownia core was upgraded with poplar for extra re-bound and durability. Downhill performance and control that helps you ski with full confidence. Superscout Carbon is an extremely responsive ski built for advanced touring and it offers a perfect balance between uphill performance and skiing in highly variable conditions.
Tourenski Majesty SUPERSCOUT CARBON - 2024/2025 - Bewertungen
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Tourenski Majesty SUPERSCOUT CARBON - 2024/2025 - Zusammenhängende Artikel über Ausrüstung
Fluchtkogel SE, from Vernagthütte 3500 m
Vernagthütte Ötztaler Alpen / Alpi Venoste Österreich
- Länge des Aufstiegs4 km
- Aufstieg740 m
- Dauer3-4,5 h
- Konditionsanforderungen ♦♦♦◊
- Skitechnische Anforderungen ♦♦◊◊
Praděd - hřeben Jeseníků 1492 m
Švýcárna Altvatergebirge Tschechien
- Länge des Aufstiegs18 km
- Aufstieg1570 m
- Dauer7-10 h
- Konditionsanforderungen ♦♦◊◊
- Skitechnische Anforderungen ♦◊◊◊
Sattelhorn 3745 m
Oberaletschhütte Berner Alpen Schweiz
- Länge des Aufstiegs7 km
- Aufstieg1300 m
- Dauer7-9 h
- Konditionsanforderungen ♦♦♦◊
- Skitechnische Anforderungen ♦♦♦◊
Col Valpelline, Day 6 H.R. Chamonix-Zermatt 3551 m
Cabane des Vignettes Walliser Alpen Schweiz
- Länge des Aufstiegs9 km
- Aufstieg1485 m
- Dauer8-10 h
- Konditionsanforderungen ♦♦♦◊
- Skitechnische Anforderungen ♦♦♦◊
Kuhscheibe 3188 m
Amberger Hütte Stubaier Alpen Österreich
- Länge des Aufstiegs5,5 km
- Aufstieg1050 m
- Dauer3,5-4,5 h
- Konditionsanforderungen ♦♦◊◊
- Skitechnische Anforderungen ♦♦◊◊
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