Skis Choc 2024/2025
Skis for ski touring and ski mountaineering should be lightweight for moving uphill, at the same time they must withstand demanding conditions of untouched terrain with diverse snow types on the way down the hill. The width of ski is very important factor. The wider the surface, greater the buoyancy and better the control of the ski in deep snow. On the tail and tip of the ski there are often sockets to hold climbing skins, which are attached to the base of the ski before the ascent starts. This kind of ski are almost exclusively made with sandwich structure, composing light and solid materials such as carbon, titanal, aramid and various wood types like paulownia, caruba, beech, poplar, ash, maple. Skis are divided into the 3 categories according the activity: Skialpinism racing – ultralight weight (the pair weight max. 1400 grams), classic ski touring (75-95 mm usual width of the ski under the binding) and skis for those who emphasize comfortable downhill skiing, freeride touring or freeride.
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Skis Choc 2024/2025 - News, Tests, Reviews
Lyže a ich tvary Viktor Devečka, Forest Skis 9. 12. 2018 Czech
Článek o Na trhu je v súčasnosti veľké množstvo lyží a môže byť veľmi náročné si vybrať to správne pre svoje potreby. Tvar lyží, ich šírka a ich dĺžka je jedna z najzákladnejších vecí, ktorú si všimne každý. Pri výbere správnej lyže dbajte na jej použiteľnosť v teréne. Vyberajte si lyžu, ktorú využijete v dan&y...
Ski Factory Dispatch: Black Diamond, Handmade in Austria Dr Alex Lee 13. 01. 2018 English
(Editor’s note: Our correspondent Alex is on a press trip in Austria checking out Black Diamond’s skis. We’re excited about this, as the BD ski story has been confusing for consumers due to a preponderance of models and manufacturing venus.
New Ski Touring Gear From G3 — 2018/2019 Lisa Dawson 12. 01. 2018 English
Worker bees have been busy at G3, developing new items in almost all of their product categories (gems covered here will begin retail in fall of 2018, and be field tested by us over coming months).
Black Crows Camox Freebird Ski — Review First Look Julia Dubinina 3. 01. 2018 English
Test Völkl VTA 88 Lite Tourenski Axel 5. 12. 2017 German
18 Modelle im großen Praxistest: Test: Das sind die besten Tourenski der Saison 2017/18 ALPIN 11/2017 27. 11. 2017 German
Wir verraten Euch wie sich die Ski mit einer modernen Touren-Taillierung im Test schlagen.
Skipflege: So geht's richtig 3. 11. 2017 German
Fachmann Jan Häring zeigt, wie Ihr Eure Tourenski wieder auf Vordermann bringt.