Piz Buin ze švýcarské strany je zajímavější túra než ze strany rakouské. výstup v závěrečné části je stejný. Pod stěnu vede trasa přes sedla Plan Mezdi a Fuorcla dal Cunfin. Za stabilní sněhové pokrývky je alternativou sjezd žlabem Buinlücke.
- Country
- Switzerland
- Montains
- Silvretta
- Tags
- Alps3000 Austria Silvretta Tuoihütte Vorarlberg
- Hut
- Tuoi Chamonna / Tuoihütte
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 804394
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 191601
Start point
- Start Point
- Tuoi Chamonna / Tuoihütte
- Altitude
- 2248 m
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 805492
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 190129
- village, valley
- Val Tuoi
- cableway / lift
- no
- Avalanche danger
- slf.ch - Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung
- Weather
- Tuoihütte / meteoblue.com Alpenverein.at - Ostalpen Bergwetter Tirol 2 days Piz Tasna 3179m / mountain-forecast.com Paraid Naira 3015m / mountain-forecast.com Fluchthorn 3399m / mountain-forecast.com ORF.at ZAMG Austria
- Snow report
- Scuol / snow-forecast.com Scuol / onthesnow.com Scuol / bergfex.ch
- Webcams
- Chamanna Tuoi Scuol - Motta Naluns
Ski tour map on Piz Buin SE (Tuoihütte)
bivakovací nouzová chata
cepín a mačky potřeba
exponovaný, obtížný terén
horská chata
hôtel, penzion
lanovka, vlek
lavinové nebezpečí, svah > 30°
ledovcové trhliny
lehká túra
mimořádně obtížná túra
mírně obtížná túra
obtížná túra
přístup k chatě
začátek ledovce
bivouac, winter room
crampons & ice axe necessary
exposed, difficulty terrain
mountain hut, refuge
hotel, pension
cableway, skilift
avalanche danger, slope > 30°
glacier cracks
little difficult tour
extremely difficult tour
rather difficult tour
difficult tour
hut acces
col, pass, saddle
peak, summit
glacier beginning
biwak, winterraum
steigeisen & pickel erforderlich
ausgesetzt, schwierige gelände
hotel, pension
seilbahn, skilift
lawinengefahr, hangneigung > 30°
wenig schwierige tour
äusserst schwierige tour
ziemlich schwierige tour
schwierige tour
zugang zur hütte
sattel, joch, pass
gletscher anfang
bivacco, locale invernale
ramponi & piccozza necessari
esposto, terreno difficolt?
rifugio, capanna
alberghi, pensione
funivia, seggiovia
pericolo di valanghe, pendenza > 30°
crepe glacier
tour piccolo difficile
tour estremamente difficile
tour piuttosto difficile
escursioni difficili
accesso capanna
col, sella, passo, forcella
sci deposito
picco, vertice, piz
inizio ghiacciaio
bivouac, local d'hiver
crampons & piolet nécessaire
exposée, difficulté du terrain
cabane de montagne, refuge
hôtel, pension
téléphérique, téléski
danger d'avalanche, pente > 30°
crevasse du glacier
peu difficile tour
extr?mement difficile tournée
assez difficile tour
difficile tournée
acces cabane
col, selle
skis dépôt
pic, sommet
début glacier
- < 20°
- 20° - 25°
- 25° - 30°
- 30° - 35°
- 35° - 40°
- > 40°
Planning of ski tour
- Fitness difficulty
- ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty
- ♦♦♦◊
- best time for this tour
- March-April
- Glacier
- Yes
- Map
- Silvrettagruppe, OEAV 1:25000, Nr. 26 Tarasp, Landeskarte der Schweiz mit Skitouren 1:50000, Nr. 249 S
- Guides
- Skitourenführer Tirol / Alpinverlag, deusch Ötztal – Silvretta / Bergverlag Rother, deusch SCHITOUREN-ATLAS ÖSTERREICH WEST / Schall Verlag, deusch Graubünden Süd Skitouren / SAC-CAS, deutsch, french Engadin / Bergverlag Rother, deusch
About Ski tour
- Time difficulty
- Ascent (height difference)
- 1170 m
- Lenght of ascent
- 5,5 km
- Descent (height difference)
- 1170 m
- Total Lenght of tour
- 11 km
- Total time of the tour
- 5,5-7 h
- Elevation Range
- 2250 - 3312 m
- Principal Aspect
- E, S, N S-south, N-north, W-west, E-east
- GPX (track only)
- Piz-Buin-Tuoi-TRK.gpx best for display on a detailed topographical map (mapy.cz) or in apps for smartphones (Locus, Garmin Connect, etc.)
- GPX (waipoints, track)
- PizBuin_S_3312m_skitour.gpx great for uploading in GPS device
- KML (with POI)
- PizBuin_S_3312m_skitour.kml for viewing in the Google Earth 3D map application, which you can install on your PC
tour Piz Buin SE (Tuoihütte) - Reviews
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Ski tours around Hut Tuoi Chamonna / Tuoihütte, in mountains Silvretta, Switzerland
Best ski tours in Silvretta by skitour.guru
Piz Tasna from Heidelberger Hütte 3179 m
Heidelberger Hütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent7 km
- ascent980 m
- duration6,5-8 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Piz Tasna je oblíbený vrchol oblasti kolem Heidelberger Hütte. Cesta pod horu údolím Fimbertal je velmi dlouhá. Na vrcholovém hřebeni pozor, jde o exponovaný terén. Obtížnost v závěru hodně záleží na podmínkách.
Vordere Jamspitze from Jamtalhütte 3154 m
Jamtalhütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent6 km
- ascent1050 m
- duration4,5-6 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Jamspitze is a very popular skitour from the Jamtalhütte. It is a light ski tour along the Jamtalferner glacier to the Jamspitze saddle. The saddle is followed by a sharp slope without skis in crampons.
Dreiländerspitze NW (Wiesbadener H.) 3197 m
Wiesbadener Hütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent3,5 km
- ascent750 m
- duration4-5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
The ski tour to peak Dreiländerspitze is initially unpretentious. Climb from Wiesbadener Hut to the Ochsenscharte. Further unpleasant traverse to the rocky ridge. Skidepo - fitting crampons and ice axe, ascent alternately on both sides of the ridge to the top. There are several climbing steps just before the summit. Back along the ascent route.