The saddle ski tour to Smutné sedlo is a popular ski hike. It starts from Žiarska chata in the direction to Žiarske Sedlo. A sharp left turn into and further through dwarf pine and on the so-called terrace under the slope to the saddle, 1963 m. Ascend follows ascent.
- Country
- Slovakia
- Montains
- Západné Tatry
- Tags
- Rohace Slovakia Západné Tatry Žiarská dolina Žiarská chata
- Hut
- Žiarska chata
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 34U 407785
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 5450173
Start point
- Start Point
- Žiarska chata
- Altitude
- 1293 m
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 49°10.86570'
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 19°43.17348'
- village, valley
- Žiarska dolina
- cableway / lift
- no
- Avalanche danger
- Stredisko lavinovej prevencie HZS
- Weather
- Žiarska chata - Žiarska chata - HZS - počasí v horách HZS / Mountain Rescue - meteo station Baníkov 2178m / Ostrý Roháč 2087 m / Baranec / Slovensko / Slovensko Slovensko - meteograms /
- Snow report
- Slovensko /
- Webcams
- Žiarska chata
Ski tour map on Smutné sedlo
bivakovací nouzová chata
cepín a mačky potřeba
exponovaný, obtížný terén
horská chata
hôtel, penzion
lanovka, vlek
lavinové nebezpečí, svah > 30°
ledovcové trhliny
lehká túra
mimořádně obtížná túra
mírně obtížná túra
obtížná túra
přístup k chatě
začátek ledovce
bivouac, winter room
crampons & ice axe necessary
exposed, difficulty terrain
mountain hut, refuge
hotel, pension
cableway, skilift
avalanche danger, slope > 30°
glacier cracks
little difficult tour
extremely difficult tour
rather difficult tour
difficult tour
hut acces
col, pass, saddle
peak, summit
glacier beginning
biwak, winterraum
steigeisen & pickel erforderlich
ausgesetzt, schwierige gelände
hotel, pension
seilbahn, skilift
lawinengefahr, hangneigung > 30°
wenig schwierige tour
äusserst schwierige tour
ziemlich schwierige tour
schwierige tour
zugang zur hütte
sattel, joch, pass
gletscher anfang
bivacco, locale invernale
ramponi & piccozza necessari
esposto, terreno difficolt?
rifugio, capanna
alberghi, pensione
funivia, seggiovia
pericolo di valanghe, pendenza > 30°
crepe glacier
tour piccolo difficile
tour estremamente difficile
tour piuttosto difficile
escursioni difficili
accesso capanna
col, sella, passo, forcella
sci deposito
picco, vertice, piz
inizio ghiacciaio
bivouac, local d'hiver
crampons & piolet nécessaire
exposée, difficulté du terrain
cabane de montagne, refuge
hôtel, pension
téléphérique, téléski
danger d'avalanche, pente > 30°
crevasse du glacier
peu difficile tour
extr?mement difficile tournée
assez difficile tour
difficile tournée
acces cabane
col, selle
skis dépôt
pic, sommet
début glacier
- < 20°
- 20° - 25°
- 25° - 30°
- 30° - 35°
- 35° - 40°
- > 40°
Planning of ski tour
- Fitness difficulty
- ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty
- ♦♦◊◊
- best time for this tour
- februar-April
- Glacier
- No
- Map
- The West Tatras, 1:25000, Tatraplan, Nr. 2501 Západné Tatry - Roháče, 1:50000, Nr. 112, VKÚ Harmanec
- Guides
- Výber lyžiarskych a skilpinistických túr / slovensky
About Ski tour
- Time difficulty
- Ascent (height difference)
- 670 m
- Lenght of ascent
- 3 km
- Descent (height difference)
- 670 m
- Total Lenght of tour
- 6 km
- Total time of the tour
- 2,5-4 h
- Elevation Range
- 1325 - 1963 m
- Principal Aspect
- S S-south, N-north, W-west, E-east
- GPX (waipoints, track)
- SmutneSedlo1963_skitour.gpx great for uploading in GPS device
- KML (with POI)
- SmutneSedlo1963_skitour.kml for viewing in the Google Earth 3D map application, which you can install on your PC
Video of tour on Smutné sedlo
tour Smutné sedlo - Reviews
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Ski tours around Hut Žiarska chata, in mountains Západné Tatry, Slovakia
Baranec 2184 m
Žiarska chata Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent2,7 km
- ascent900 m
- duration4-5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Baranec is the highest ski tour above the mountain hut Žiarska chata. The most popular variant is Jarný žlab. First, near the hut overcomes the creek. Then follow the ascent through the Jarný žlab, on the steep slope to the ridge. It goes up easier. It is recommended descent trough the Jarny žlab or the neighboring Maďarský žlab. The descent through the Baranecký kotol is very difficult and dangerous.
Hrubá kopa via Lúčne sedlo 2166 m
Žiarska chata Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent3,8 km
- ascent840 m
- duration3,5-5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Hrubá kopa via saddle Hrubá priehyba is one of the most difficult ski tours in Žiarska dolina. The ascent to the saddle Hrubá priehyba between Hrubá kopa and Tri kopy is very steep in the second half, at the end around 35 ° - watch for avalanche danger. If it is not possible to reach the summit, put the skis under the saddle. To peak with ice axe and crampons. Great departure on a steep, broad southern slope.
Žiarske sedlo 1917 m
Žiarska chata Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent6 km
- ascent615 m
- duration2,5-3,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦◊◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦◊◊◊
Ziarske sedlo is the easiest ski tour in the region Žiarska dolina. The route follows the summer ascent and is mild. Ideal target with increased avalanche risk. The saddle is the gateway to the valley Jamnicka dolina.
Príslop 2142 m
Žiarska chata Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent2,5 km
- ascent855 m
- duration3,5-5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
The Príslop has a long upper ridge. Ascent begins towards the saddle Jalovecké sedlo. Then pass the waterfall Sarafiový vodopád and then turn right onto the southeast ridge. Follow him to the summit. Prislop offers more downhill routes, mainly SE exposures. As a result, these slopes are often covered with dangerous drift snow in typical NW flows. Take a ski tour to Príslop only in stable snow conditions.
Hrubá kopa via Hrubá priehyba 2166 m
Žiarska chata Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent3,5 km
- ascent840 m
- duration3-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Hrubá kopa via saddle Hrubá priehyba is one of the most difficult ski tours in Žiarska dolina. The ascent to the saddle Hrubá priehyba between Hrubá kopa and Tri kopy is very steep in the second half, at the end around 35 ° - watch for avalanche danger. If it is not possible to reach the summit, put the skis under the saddle. To peak with ice axe and crampons. Great departure on a steep, broad southern slope.
Best ski tours in Západné Tatry by
Brestová 1934 m
Zuberec - Penzion Šindlovec Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent2,5 km
- ascent430 m
- duration2-3 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦◊◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦◊◊◊
450 vertical meters at the beginning can be saved with the cable car. Then through the valley Spálena dolina under the Přední Salatín and then right into the saddle and easy upwards. The descent follows ascent route.
Spálená 2083 m
Zuberec - Penzion Šindlovec Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent6 km
- ascent1050 m
- duration5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
The ascent to the "Spálená" peak leads from the Šindlovec guest house through the eastern part of the "Spálená dolina" valley. The ascent to the summit leads through a wide depression "Spálená mulda". The downhill copied the ascent route and is excellent.
Salatín 2048 m
Zuberec - Penzion Šindlovec Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent2 km
- ascent530 m
- duration2,5-3,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Nejoblíbenější v oblasti Zuberce - Spálené doliny. Nejčastěji se chodí od horní stanice lanovky "Spálená" přes Centrálny žlab do Salatinskeho sedla a odtud na vrchol. Kromě trasy výstupu je několik dalších variant sjezdu.