- Preis:
- 65 €
- Preis in CZK:
- 1590
- Vergleichen
- Gewicht
- 94 g
- Gewicht @ Grösse
- S
- 1. Grösse, Taillenumfang , Beinschlaufenumfang
- S, obvod pasu 73-83 cm, obvod stehna 50-60 cm
- 2. Grösse, Taillenumfang , Beinschlaufenumfang
- M, obvod pasu 80-90 cm, obvod stehna 55-65 cm
- 3. Grösse, Taillenumfang , Beinschlaufenumfang
- L obvod pasu 87-97 cm, obvod stehna 60-70 cm
- Anzahl der Materialschlaufen
- 2
- gebrauchte Materialien
- UHMW polyethylene (Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene)
- Beinschlaufen können geöffnet werden
- Ja
- Webseite der Marke
The Alp CR is a hyperlight harness designed for ski mountaineering and lightweight mountaineering. The innovative construction uses super light and breathable nylon monoflament combined with exceptionally durable and abrasion-resistant high strength polyethylene. Adjustable leg loops ensure a precise ft and allow the harness to adapt to layers. The harness can be put on and taken off without removing skis or crampons. The elastic cord on the waist is detachable and the auto-locking aluminum alloy buckles on the leg loops can be unthreaded so they open completely. The elastic rise adjustment cord for the leg loops is secured by a knot to prevent the leg loops from creeping down.
Sitzgurte Camp ALP CR - 2022/2023 - Bewertungen
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Sitzgurte Camp ALP CR - 2022/2023 - Zusammenhängende Artikel über Ausrüstung
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