- price:
- 120 €
- price in EUR:
- 120 €
- price in CZK:
- 3000
- Compare
- weight
- 868 g
- shape handle
- T
- telescopic shaft
- yes
- shaft length
- 87 cm
- collapsed shaft length
- 44 cm
- nonslip shaft
- no
- material shaft
- alu
- material blade
- alu
- blade height
- 29 cm
- possibility to create a hoe
- no
- possibility to create an axe
- no
- snow saw compatible
- yes
- UIAA certification
- yes
- website of brand
- backcountryaccess.com
Aktualizovaný model našeho původního modelu D-2 EXT s integrovanou pilou na dřevo. Středně velký nůž, režim motyka a 16cm skládací pila na dřevo uložená v oválném držadlu. Skládací pilka obsahuje vysoce pevnou polymerovou rukojeť a pilový list z nerezové oceli s kuželovým výbrusem a žiletkovými zuby.
Shovels BCA DOZER 2T-S SHOVEL - 2024/2025 - Reviews
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Ještěd - trasa Bike 887 m
Ještěd - Jizerské hory Jizera Mountains Czech
- Length of ascent3 km
- ascent365 m
- duration h
- Fitness difficulty ♦◊◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦◊◊◊
Bouřňák - Hrobská 869 m
Skialp nad Hrobem - Bouřňák Krušné hory Czech
- Length of ascent1 km
- ascent150 m
- duration0,5-1 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦◊◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦◊◊◊
Sedielková kopa 2062 m
Chata pod Soliskom - Štrbské Pleso Vysoké Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent6,5 km
- ascent920 m
- duration3,5-5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦◊◊◊
Rosenhorn (day 5, h.r. Swiss Glacier) 3689 m
Gaulihütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent9 km
- ascent1580 m
- duration7-10 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Festkogel 2269 m
Johnsbach - Kölblwirt Gesäuse Austria
- Length of ascent5,5 km
- ascent1430 m
- duration6-8 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Cabane des Vignettes
Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
1 tour in region3160 m.n.mCapacity 120 bedsOpen mid March - end May
Glarus Alps Switzerland
2 tours in region2947 m.n.mCapacity 41 bedsOpen mid March - early May
Zbojnícka chata
Vysoké Tatry Slovakia
7 tours in region1960 m.n.mCapacity 16 bedsOpen daily
St. Moritz
Bernina Alps Switzerland
1 tour in region1780 m.n.mCapacity 0 bedsOpen
Zederhaus - Kirchenwirt
Niedere Tauern Austria
5 tours in region1200 m.n.mCapacity 22 bedsOpen everytime