- price:
- 95 €
- price in EUR:
- 95 €
- price in CZK:
- 2799
- Compare
- length
- 320 cm
- number of elements
- 8
- diameter
- 12.75
- weight
- 365 g
- material
- alu
- alignment system
- Speed Lock System
- smart probe
- no
- website of brand
Lavinová sonda, kterou dokážete rychle připravit do akce i v rukavicích. Osm segmentů zafixujete lankem za pomocí táhla a jednoduchého zámku. Špička ve tvaru slzy vás mile překvapí dobrou průchodností sněhem při sondování.
Probes Mammut PROBE 320 SPEED LOCK - 2023/2024 - Reviews
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Rosenhorn (day 5, h.r. Swiss Glacier) 3689 m
Gaulihütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent9 km
- ascent1580 m
- duration7-10 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Piz Muragl 3156 m
Muottas Muragl - Romantik Hotel Albula Alps Switzerland
- Length of ascent6 km
- ascent780 m
- duration4,5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Piz Surgonda 3196 m
Chamanna Jenatsch / Jenatschhütte Albula Alps Switzerland
- Length of ascent km
- ascent m
- duration h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Pizzi dei Rossi 3026 m
Fornohütte - Capanna del Forno Bernina Alps Switzerland
- Length of ascent3 km
- ascent665 m
- duration4,5-6 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Felskarspitze 2506 m
Zederhaus - Kirchenwirt Niedere Tauern Austria
- Length of ascent6,5 km
- ascent1195 m
- duration4-5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Jeseniky Czech
1 tour in region1304 m.n.mCapacity 48 bedsOpen daily
Monte Rosa Hütte
Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
4 tours in region2883 m.n.mCapacity 120 bedsOpen March-mid May
Cabane Tracuit
Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
1 tour in region3256 m.n.mCapacity 115 bedsOpen mid March - mid May
Cabane du Mountet
Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
1 tour in region2886 m.n.mCapacity 115 bedsOpen end March - end May
Hollandiahütte (Lötschenhütte)
Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
1 tour in region3235 m.n.mCapacity 85 bedsOpen mid March - mid May
Zwieselbacher Rosskogel, Sellrain, Stubaier Alp... Hide notes
Ghardenaccia, Puez-Gisler, Dolomiten, Italia, Hide notes