Video Pieps PROBE ALU 220 SPORT
Probes Pieps PROBE ALU 220 SPORT - 2023/2024 - Reviews
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Mönch 4107 m
Mönchsjochhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent2 km
- ascent525 m
- duration2,5-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Volí chrbát 2321 m
Popradské pleso - horský hotel Vysoké Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent3,5 km
- ascent820 m
- duration5,5-7 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Gsuchmauer 2116 m
Johnsbach - Kölblwirt Gesäuse Austria
- Length of ascent6,5 km
- ascent1150 m
- duration4-6 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Schnapfenspitze SW (Jamtalhütte) 3179 m
Jamtalhütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent4,3 km
- ascent1060 m
- duration4-6 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Granatspitz 3086 m
Rudolfshütte Berghotel Granatspitz Group - Hohe Tauern Austria
- Length of ascent5 km
- ascent1200 m
- duration4-6 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Refuge Argentière
Massif Mont Blanc France
1 tour in region2771 m.n.mCapacity 94 bedsOpen end February - beginning May
Rokytnice n.J. - Dvoračky
Giant Mountains Czech
2 tours in region1130 m.n.mCapacity 141 bedsOpen daily
Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
1 tour in region3256 m.n.mCapacity 40 bedsOpen April - beginning May
Sliezsky Dom - horský hotel
Vysoké Tatry Slovakia
3 tours in region1670 m.n.mCapacity 110 bedsOpen daily
Cabane Tracuit
Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
1 tour in region3256 m.n.mCapacity 115 bedsOpen mid March - mid May