- price:
- 185 €
- price in EUR:
- 185 €
- Compare
- target group
- tour&freeride
- glue
- hotmelt
- grip
- 50 %
- glide
- 50 %
- classic glue - hotmelt
- yes
- Hybrid Glue
- no
- Smart Glue
- no
- Fusiontec adhesion
- no
- macromolecular adhesion
- no
- membrane
- no
- precisely on specific ski
- no
- transport strap
- no
- tip attachment
- Attivo Top fix
- tail attachment
- Attivo Tail
- dodávaná šířka
- 93
- dodávaná délka
- 174, 181, 188
- new 2024-25
- yes
- website of brand
100% mohair climbing skins that guarantee excellent slide and good grip. Complete with Ski Trab active tip and tail fasteners. New version with Ski Trab logo in colour. Also available in rolls of different widths. Traditional hot melt adhesive system. Trimmed climbing skin to match ski sidecut width.
Skins Ski Trab SKI TRAB SKIN MOHAIR 104 - 2024/2025 - Reviews
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Skins Ski Trab SKI TRAB SKIN MOHAIR 104 - 2024/2025 - Related articles about Equipment
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