- price:
- - €
- price in EUR:
- - €
- price in CZK:
- -
- Compare
- target group
- race
- glue
- hotmelt
- grip
- 30 %
- glide
- 70 %
- classic glue - hotmelt
- yes
- Hybrid Glue
- no
- Smart Glue
- no
- Fusiontec adhesion
- no
- macromolecular adhesion
- no
- membrane
- yes
- precisely on specific ski
- yes
- transport strap
- yes
- tip attachment
- hrazdička
- tail attachment
- nastavitelný popruh
- adjustable lenght of attachment
- no
- weight (both skins with attachment)
- nezveřejněno
- skins made by
- Colltex
- dodávaná šířka
- podle vykrojení lyže
- dodávaná délka
- dle délky lyže
- website of brand
Skins Movement RACE HOTMELT - 2023/2024 - Reviews
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Skins Movement RACE HOTMELT - 2023/2024 - Related articles about Equipment
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Gross Schärhorn 3324 m
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- duration3-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦◊◊◊
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