The modern mountain hut Cabane FXB Panossière is located above the glacier of the same name. The ski tour to the Petit Combin is great, the challenging ascent to the Grand Combin de Grafeneire is a highlight of the Alps. You can descend to the hut Cabane Chanrion via the Tournelon Blanc. The Cabane belongs to the municipality of Comune Bagnes and offers no discounts for members of the Alpine Clubs. FXB are the initials of the pilot name Francois-Xavier Bagnoud.
Tours starting from hut
Ski tours around Hut Cabane FXB Panossière
Tournelon Blanc - Cab. Panossiére 3702 m
Cabane FXB Panossière Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent7 km
- ascent1155 m
- duration4,5-6 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Tournelon Blanc is a challenging ski tour in the neighborhood of the Grand Combins. The passage between large crevasses in the 3000 and 3400 m zone is complicated. From the Col du Tournelon Blanc saddle to the summit without any problems. In addition to the Cabane Panossiére route, you can ski this mountain from the Cabane Chanrion hut.
Grand Combin 4314 m
Cabane FXB Panossière Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent9 km
- ascent1720 m
- duration7,5-10 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦♦
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Grand Combin je velmi náročnou skialpinistickou túrou, kterou lze podniknout jen za výborných podmínek - informujte se s předstihem na chatě Panossiére. Nejprve po ledovci Corbassiére na úrove'n Plateau des Maisons Blanches. Dále prudké stoupání z Plateau Déjeuner do úrovně 4000 m a pak mírným stoupání na vrchol Combin de Grafeneire.
Petit Combin 3663 m
Cabane FXB Panossière Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent8 km
- ascent1150 m
- duration5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Petit Combin is a flat panoramic summit with a view of the Valais Alps and the Mont Blanc massif. An ideal sightseeing tour. Ascends along the Corbassiere glacier and descends the Glacier des Follats (watch out for seracs and cracks). Finally over the glacier to Cabane FXB Panossiére.
- Country
- Switzerland
- Montains
- Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes
- Open (winter)
- mid March-May
- Beds
- 100
- Winterraum
- no
- Shortening of access (cableway, lift, taxi, snowcat...)
- no
- Luggage transport
- no
- Card Pay
- yes
- Shower
- no
- Wifi
- no
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 589242
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 94138
- GPX access to hut (waipoints, track)
- FXB-Panossiere-Hut_access_skitour.gpx
- GPX access to hut (track only)
- FXB-Panosierre-Hut_access_TRK.gpx
- Map
- Arolla 283 S, Swisstopo 1:50000 Chanrion 1346, Swisstopo 1:25000
- Guides
- Ski de randonnée Bas-Valais Die klassischen Skitouren (SAC, deutsch) Les classiques de randonnée à ski (SAC, francais) Walliser Alpen (Rother, deutsch)
- Phone (hut)
- 0041(0)27 771 33 22
- Phone (valley)
- -
- Cell phone
- -
- Web
- Owner of hut
- Comune Bagnes
- Cabane FXB Panossière
- Reservation
- phone, e-mail
- Start Point
- Lourtier - Le Plamproz
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 588917
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 98014
- Altitude
- 1410 m
- Ascent (height difference)
- 1100 m
- Time of Access
- 4-5,5 h
- Shortening lift
- no
- Avalanche danger
- Weather
- SRF Meteo Meteoschweiz - Glacier Corbassiere - Grand Teve - Les Otanes - Fionnay - Grand Combin - Fionnay - Fionnay
- Snow report
- - Verbier - Verbier
- Webcams
- Mont Fort 3300 m (Verbier) Lourtier - Val Bagnes
- Region
- Vallée de Bagnes
- Public traffic
- train SBB Bus -
- Skiresort nearby
- Verbier
- Other links
- Swiss Tourism
hut Cabane FXB Panossière - Reviews
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Best ski tours in mountains Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes, Switzerland
Strahlhorn 4190 m
Britannia Hütte Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent9,4 km
- ascent1250 m
- duration6-8 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Strahlhorn (Britannia Hütte, Walliser Alpen) is a classic glacier ski tour from Britannia Hütte. From the Adlerpass saddle, you usually go skiing to the top. To get off Saas Fee, take the Metro to the "window" at 3460 m to the Hohlaub Gletscher and start the ascent after a short ride.
Bishorn 4153 m
Cabane Tracuit Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent4,5 km
- ascent950 m
- duration5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Bishorn seems to be a relatively light 4000, but looks are deceptive. If you include the approach to Cabane Tracuit from Zinal in the ascent, it is quite a long ski tour. From the hut the ascent line leads slightly up the glacier Turtmanngletscher. Directly below the peak on the plateau you have to swap skis for crampons and comfortably climb to the panoramic summit - one of the best in all of Valais. Driving down the northern slope is usually a fantastic enjoyment, the risk of glacier cracks is minimal.
La Luette 3547 m
Cabane des Dix Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent3 km
- ascent710 m
- duration1,5-3 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
La Luette je vděčná túra z chaty Cabane Dix. Po mírném svahu na ledovec Glacier de la Luette a v závěru po hřebenu na vrchol. Pouhých 500 výškových metrů od chaty může být lákadlem pro odpolední túru poté, když dorazíte brzo na chatu Dix.
Best ski tours in Switzerland by
Piz d´Err 3378 m
Chamanna Jenatsch / Jenatschhütte Albula Alps Switzerland
- Length of ascent km
- ascent m
- duration h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Piz d´Err is a popular ski tour to the panoramic summit. The technically undemanding ski tour begins in Chamanna Jenatsch. The only steep section is climbing on the summit. A first class experience is under stable conditions the descent to the opposite side, western slopes to Surselva, more precisely to the village Sur, a total of 1,800 m.
Pazolastock - Piz Badus 2928 m
Andermatt - Realp - Oberalppass Urner Alps Switzerland
- Length of ascent6 km
- ascent1370 m
- duration4-6 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Vyhlídková, poměrně jednoduchá túra po hřebeni na Piz Badus přes Pazolastock. Na start túry je snadná cesta vlakem z Andermattu. Pozor na laviny při traverzu Pazolastocku. První sjezd je lehký a bezpečný. Logická výstupová linie přes hřeben pod Piz Badus. Na vrchol v mačkách nebo na lyžích, podle podmínek. Letecký pohled na Andermatt. Při sjezdu z Piz Badus pozor na strmý úsek za jezerem. Po nalepení pásů závěrečných 100 výškových metrů do sedla Oberalppass k vlaku (jezdí každou hodinu).
Mönch 4107 m
Mönchsjochhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent2 km
- ascent525 m
- duration2,5-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Túra na impozantní Mnich (Mönch) je v podstatě dlouhou hřebenovkou v mačkách a s cepínem. S rostoucí výškou roste obtížnost. S úbytkem ledovcového příkrovu roste expozice. Pokud nejste horský vůdce, nepoužívejte techniku krátkého lana. V závěrečném úseku je každá chyba nevratná. Výstup přináší fantastický zážitek se spoustou výhledů na nádherný svět ledovců.