The Wiesbadener Hütte is a very popular mountain hut in the Silvretta in Vorarlberg. The disadvantage is the complicated approach - with the cable car and the buses to Bielerhöhe. Start of the ski tours on Piz Buin, Dreiländerspitze, Bugle, Rauher Kopf and Jamspitze.
Tours starting from hut
Ski tours around Hut Wiesbadener Hütte
Piz Buin N (Wiesbadener H.) 3312 m
Wiesbadener Hütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent5 km
- ascent1020 m
- duration5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
The ski tour to Piz Buin, the most famous Silvretta mountain in the form of a loaf is quite demanding at the end due to the exposed terrain. At the beginning on the Ochsental glacier from the Wiesbadener Hütte (or Bielerhöhe), at the end through rocky terrain. Depending on the conditions, it is advisable to secure the rope to the tricky rock.
Dreiländerspitze NW (Wiesbadener H.) 3197 m
Wiesbadener Hütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent3,5 km
- ascent750 m
- duration4-5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
The ski tour to peak Dreiländerspitze is initially unpretentious. Climb from Wiesbadener Hut to the Ochsenscharte. Further unpleasant traverse to the rocky ridge. Skidepo - fitting crampons and ice axe, ascent alternately on both sides of the ridge to the top. There are several climbing steps just before the summit. Back along the ascent route.
Haagspitze West (Wiesbadener H.) 3029 m
Wiesbadener Hütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent3 km
- ascent590 m
- duration2,5-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Rauher Kopf 3033 m
Wiesbadener Hütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent3 km
- ascent690 m
- duration3-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Rauher Kopf is the ideal destination for the last day at the Wiesbadener Hütte, because it promises a perfect descent to the Bielerhöhe. The conclusion of the otherwise easy ascent is without skis, relatively easy terrain, between boulders.
Signalhorn 3210 m
Wiesbadener Hütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent5,5 km
- ascent1000 m
- duration4-5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Signalhorn je lyžařská túra, která vede přes ledovec Ochsentaler Gletscher a sedlo Fuorcla dal Cunfin. V závěru jednoduché lezení po hřebenu na vrchol.
Vordere/Hintere Jamspitze NW 3107 m
Wiesbadener Hütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent6 km
- ascent1020 m
- duration4,5-6 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
The Jamspitze is a very popular ski tour that is accessible from the Jamtalhütte and the Wiesbadener Hütte. One easily reaches the Ochsenscharte, then descent and climbs up to the Jamjoch. From here both Jamspitzen are heading for the summit.
Silvrettahorn 3244 m
Wiesbadener Hütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent5 km
- ascent960 m
- duration5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
The ascent to the Silvrettahorn is one of the most popular excursion destinations of the Wiesbadener Hütte. After crossing the Ochsentaler Glacier, the ascent line turns right. The climb continues in the direction of Egghornlücke, but still turns right under the saddle. From the ski depot without skis over Westgrat to the summit.
- Country
- Austria
- Montains
- Silvretta
- Open (winter)
- mid February - end April
- Beds
- 170
- Winterraum
- open, 20 beds
- Shortening of access (cableway, lift, taxi, snowcat...)
- yes, by cable car und bus from Partenen to Bielerhöhe
- Luggage transport
- yes, on request from Bielerhöhe
- Card Pay
- no
- Shower
- yes
- Wifi
- no
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 32T 585055
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 5191112
- GPX access to hut (waipoints, track)
- Wiesbadenerhuette_access.gpx
- GPX all tours from the hut
- Silvretta_Wiesbadenerhuette_ALL.gpx
- Map
- Silvrettagruppe, OEAV 1:25000, Nr. 26 Tarasp, Landeskarte der Schweiz mit Skitouren 1:50000, Nr. 249 S
- Guides
- Skitourenführer Tirol / Alpinverlag, deusch Ötztal – Silvretta / Bergverlag Rother, deusch SCHITOUREN-ATLAS ÖSTERREICH WEST / Schall Verlag, deusch Graubünden Süd Skitouren / SAC-CAS, deutsch, french
- Phone (hut)
- 0043/5558/4233
- Phone (valley)
- 0043/5443/20039
- Cell phone
- -
- Mobile Signal
- yes
- Web
- Owner of hut
- DAV Sektion Wiesbaden
- Wiesbadener Hütte
- Reservation
- online form
- Online reservation
- Start Point
- Partenen - cable car station
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 32T 580390
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 5202201
- Altitude
- 1030 m
- Ascent (height difference)
- 480 m
- Time of Access
- 1,5 - 2 h
- Shortening lift
- yes, by cable car und bus from Partenen to Bielerhöhe
- Start Point
- Bielerhöhe / Wirl
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 32T 583542
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 5196609
- Altitude
- 2035 m
- Ascent (height difference)
- 800 m
- Time of Access
- 3-4 h
- Shortening lift
- no
- Avalanche danger
- Weather
- Wiesbadener Hütte / - Ostalpen Bergwetter Vorarlberg 2 days Bielerhöhe / Piz Buin / Dreiländerspitze / Vorarlberg / Austria ZAMG
- Snow report
- Galtür / Galtür / Galtür /
- Webcams
- Bielerhöhe Galtür - Ballunspitzbahn Jamtalhütte 3x Galtür - Dorf Palinkopf 2864 (Ischgl)
- Region
- Paznaun - Ischgl Silvretta - Montafon
- Public traffic
- ÖBB Railway Postbus
- Skiresort nearby
- Skigebiet Galtür / Paznaun-Ischgl Ischgl
- Other links
- Austria Tourism
hut Wiesbadener Hütte - Reviews
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Best ski tours in mountains Silvretta, Austria
Vordere/ Hintere Jamspitze SW 3155 m
Tuoi Chamonna / Tuoihütte Silvretta Switzerland
- Length of ascent km
- ascent910 m
- duration3-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Nördliche Augstenspitze Circuit 3228 m
Jamtalhütte Silvretta Austria
- Length of ascent10 km
- ascent1450 m
- duration6-8 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Nördliche Augstenspitze is a comprehensive and varied skitour from the Jamtalhütte. First goes to the saddle through the Chalausferner glacier to Fuorcla chalaus saddle, usually in crampons. Short descent to the Oberer Augstenferner Glacier. At the end in crampons and with ice ax to the top. A possible alternative is to extend the tour through Urezzasjoch.
Piz Buin SE (Tuoihütte) 3312 m
Tuoi Chamonna / Tuoihütte Silvretta Switzerland
- Length of ascent5,5 km
- ascent1170 m
- duration5,5-7 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Piz Buin ze švýcarské strany je zajímavější túra než ze strany rakouské. výstup v závěrečné části je stejný. Pod stěnu vede trasa přes sedla Plan Mezdi a Fuorcla dal Cunfin. Za stabilní sněhové pokrývky je alternativou sjezd žlabem Buinlücke.
Best ski tours in Austria by
Schalfkogel West (from M.Busch Hut) 3537 m
Martin-Busch-Hütte Ötztal Alps / Alpi Venoste Austria
- Length of ascent7,5 km
- ascent1200 m
- duration4,5-6 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Túra na Schalfkogel od chaty Martin Busch Hütte začíná sjezdem do údolí a pokračuje úzkým koridorem pod ledovcovými morénami východním směrem do sedla Schalfkogeljoch. Zde je skidepot a na vrchol v mačkách a s cepínem. Dolů po trase výstupu.
Hinterer Daunkopf (N, from Amberger H.) 3225 m
Amberger Hütte Stubai Alps Austria
- Length of ascent7 km
- ascent1100 m
- duration4-5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Krásná túra členitým terénem po zajímavé hraně ledovce na vrchol Hinterer Daunkopf. Krásný výhled na sjezdovky střediska Stubaier Gletscher. Pozor na orientaci a hlavně stav ledovce. Sjezd po výstupové linii.
Zuckerhütl (from Eisjochferner - cable car) 3505 m
Stubai - Mutterbergalm (cable car) Stubai Alps Austria
- Length of ascent5 km
- ascent960 m
- duration5,5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Zuckerhütl je nejvyšší hora Stubaiských Alp. Leží nedaleko ledovcového skiresortu Stubaier Gletscherbahn. Pokud vyjedete lanovkou na nejvyšší bod střediska Eisjochferner a zatočíte po vysednutí ze sedačkové lanovky doleva k restauraci Jochdohle, začnete túru sjezdem z výšky 3150 m po ledovci Gaiskarferner. Ze dna karu (2751 m) do sedla Pfaffenjoch a po plochém ledovci pod vrcholovou pyramidu. Odtud bez lyží, v mačkách a s cepínem na vrchol. Při sjezdu po ledovci Sulzenauferner dávejte velký pozor na četné ledovcové trhliny.