The mountain hut Téryho chata is located in the valleyMalá Studená dolina. Like the Zbojnícka chata, it has optimal access from Hrebienok. Due to the location of the hut, access is very difficult, especially on the steep slope Velky Hang, and there is an avalanche risk for skiers. From Téryho hut, the ski alpinists take ski tours to the saddles - Priečne sedlo, Sedielko, Lomnické sedlo and Baranie sedlo.
Tours starting from hut
Ski tours around Hut Téryho chata
- Country
- Slovakia
- Montains
- Vysoké Tatry
- Open (winter)
- daily
- Beds
- 24
- Winterraum
- no
- Shortening of access (cableway, lift, taxi, snowcat...)
- yes, by train to Hrebienok from Starý Smokovec
- Luggage transport
- no
- Card Pay
- no
- Shower
- no
- Wifi
- no
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 49°11.40024'
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 20°11.94846'
- GPX access to hut (waipoints, track)
- TeryhoChata-access_TRACK.gpx
- GPX all tours from the hut
- TATRY Teryho chata_WPT_TRK.gpx
- Map
- Vysoké Tatry, 1:25000, Tatraplan, Nr. 2502 Vysoké Tatry 1:50000, VKÚ Harmanec, Nr. 113
- Guides
- Výber lyžiarskych a skialpinistických túr / slovensky
- Phone (hut)
- +421 949 650315
- Phone (valley)
- -
- Cell phone
- -
- Web
- Owner of hut
- KST (Klub slovenských turistov) a IAMES (horolezecký spolok)
- Téryho chata
- Reservation
- e-mail, phone
- Start Point
- Hrebienok
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 49°09.49764'
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 20°13.49010'
- Altitude
- 1272 m
- Ascent (height difference)
- 750 m
- Time of Access
- 2,5-3,5 h
- Shortening lift
- -
- Start Point
- Starý Smokovec
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 49°08.46558'
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 20°13.28982'
- Altitude
- 1025 m
- Ascent (height difference)
- - m
- Time of Access
- 3-4 h
- Shortening lift
- Starý Smokovec - Hrebienok
- Avalanche danger
- Stredisko lavinovej prevencie HZS
- Weather
- Zbojnícka chata / HZS - počasí v horách HZS / Mountain Rescue login"user" - meteo station "Lomnický štít"a"Ladové pleso" Slavkovský Štít 2452 m / Lomnický štít 2634m / Slovensko / Slovensko / Slovensko - meteograms /
- Snow report
- Slovensko / Štrbské pleso / Smokovec / Štrbské pleso / Starý Smokovec / Hrebienok /
- Webcams
- Hrebienok Lomnický štít
- Region
- Tatry /
- Public traffic
- Timetables / Cestovné poriadky
- Skiresort nearby
- Štrbské pleso Hrebienok
- Other links
- Slovakia Tourism
hut Téryho chata - Reviews
tomas.friedrich 20. 01. 2021
- nocleh ♦◊◊◊
- Staff ♦♦◊◊
- Food ♦♦♦◊
- Overall rating ♦♦◊◊
Best ski tours in mountains Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia
Patria 2203 m
Chata pod Soliskom - Štrbské Pleso Vysoké Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent5 km
- ascent840 m
- duration3-4,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Lyžařská túra ze Štrbského plesa na vrchol Patria nabízí možnost okružní trasy, sjezd vede Mlynickou dolinou.
Furkotský štít 2404 m
Chata pod Soliskom - Štrbské Pleso Vysoké Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent3,5 km
- ascent650 m
- duration2,5-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Furkotský štít je oblíbený tatranský vrchol. Nejlépe je dostupný z Chaty pod Soliskom. Výstup vede Furkotskou dolinou přes Nižné a Vyšné Wahlenbergovo pleso. Za jezerem je možné vystupovat dvěma liniemi. Za dobrých podmínek širokým svahem (vlevo) na hřeben a po něm v mačkách na vrchol. Variantou výstupu je trasa přes Bystré sedlo. Tudy obvykle vede i trasa sjezdu. Návrat k chatě vyžaduje na krátký úsek nalepit pásy.
Svišťový štít 2383 m
Zbojnícka chata Vysoké Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent2,5 km
- ascent420 m
- duration3-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Svistovy stit is the only ski accwssible peak in the area of the mountain lodge Zbojnícka chata. The ascent leads through the cauldron Divoký kotol and is possible on SW slope to the eastern summit. One variant is to climb the south ridge. Departure follows the ascent. Attention! The ski tour leads through an area, where according to the current rules of the visitors during a certain period of time, the movement may be prohibited. Check the accessibility of the tour before the ski tour, the decision is up to each individual ...
Best ski tours in Slovakia by
Baranec 2184 m
Žiarska chata Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent2,7 km
- ascent900 m
- duration4-5,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Baranec is the highest ski tour above the mountain hut Žiarska chata. The most popular variant is Jarný žlab. First, near the hut overcomes the creek. Then follow the ascent through the Jarný žlab, on the steep slope to the ridge. It goes up easier. It is recommended descent trough the Jarny žlab or the neighboring Maďarský žlab. The descent through the Baranecký kotol is very difficult and dangerous.
Plačlivo 2125 m
Žiarska chata Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent3,5 km
- ascent825 m
- duration2,5-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦◊◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦◊◊◊
Placlivo is a popular, easily accessible peak over the Žiarska dolina valley. The ascent leads towards Žiarske sedlo, over a flat ridge to the summit. One variant is the descent to Placlivy kotol.
Salatín 2048 m
Zuberec - Penzion Šindlovec Západné Tatry Slovakia
- Length of ascent2 km
- ascent530 m
- duration2,5-3,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Nejoblíbenější v oblasti Zuberce - Spálené doliny. Nejčastěji se chodí od horní stanice lanovky "Spálená" přes Centrálny žlab do Salatinskeho sedla a odtud na vrchol. Kromě trasy výstupu je několik dalších variant sjezdu.