Best ski tours in Šumava
Třístoličník - Plechý 1378 m
Trojmezí - Šumava Bohemian Forest Czech
- Length of ascent10 km
- ascent840 m
- duration5,5-7 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦◊◊◊
The ski tour to the highest part of the Šumava ridge leads over three important peaks. Hochstein 1333 m on the German side, Třístoličník 1302 m (Dreisesselberg) and finally Plechý (Plöckenstein), the highest point in the Czech part of Šumava. From above there is a view of the Plešné jezero lake, which separates the Jezerní stěna wall from the ridge. The route mainly leads along forest roads. The marked path along the ridge leads through the intersection of three borders - the Czech Republic, Germany (Bavaria) and Austria (Upper Austria). Refreshments are available in the Hut Berggasthof Dreisessel under Třístolicník. The ski tour can be included in the category of fitness ski tours and does not expect any downhill experiences. It is an ideal train ride from Nová Pec (the destination point) to Nové Údolí station, where this ski tour begins.
Poledník 1315 m
Železná Ruda - Prášily Bohemian Forest Czech
- Length of ascent km
- ascent m
- duration h
- Fitness difficulty ♦◊◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦◊◊◊
Jednoduchá túra pro začátečníky vystupuje na Poledník po běžkařské trase. Sjezd vede přes Prášilské jezero. Dokonalá ukázka řádění orkánu Kyrill na hřebenu Šumavy.
Smrčina - Hochficht 1333 m
Trojmezí - Šumava Bohemian Forest Czech
- Length of ascent13 km
- ascent840 m
- duration5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦◊◊◊
On the top of Smrčina-Hpochficht, the highest point of the Austrian ski area Hochficht is located, from the czech side you must visit Nová Pec with ski and skins. A circuit through the Šumava forestes is offered. As Plechý is Smrčina also an ideal area for fitness ski tours.
Information about Skitours and Mountain huts
skitours and mountain huts
5 Skitouren in Kärntens Bergen
Bergwelten.com bergwelten.com 12. 01. 2019 German
n den Nordalpen bleibt die Lawinensituation weiterhin angespannt (Lawinenwarnstufe 4 bis 5). Doch südlich des Alpenhhautpkamms, in den Gailtaler-, Lavanttaler und Karnischen Alpen sowie den Karawanken, herrschen momentan gute Tourenbedingungen. Wir stellen euch 5 Skitouren in Kärnten vor.
tags: Kärnten
skitours and mountain huts
New Zealand Ski Touring Experience 2018
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skitours and mountain huts
Coast Mountain Traverse Complete!
backcountryskiingcanada.com Backcountryskiingcanada.com 19. 01. 2018 English
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Vom Gipfel bis zum Fjord: Skitouren in Nordnorwegen
Bergwelten.com Bergwelten.com 1. 12. 2017 German
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Ski Norway
tetongravity.com Robert Pursell 20. 11. 2017 English
The Way It Was Always Meant To Be Skied: By Train