The Mönchsjochhütte lies at an altitude of 3650 m and is therefore the highest hut in Switzerland (managed). The Mönchsjochhütte is not far from the highest train station in Europe. The hut is an ideal starting point for ski tours to Mönch and Jungfrau.
Tours starting from hut
Ski tours around Hut Mönchsjochhütte
Grosses Grünhorn 4044 m
Mönchsjochhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent3,5 km
- ascent970 m
- duration6-8 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Grosses Grünhorn je jediná 4000vka v oblasti chaty Konkordiahütte. Výstup z chaty Mönchsjochhütte vede z po ledovci Ewigschneefeld a následně po severozápadních svazích na hřeben Grünhornu. Pozor na ledovcové trhliny. Nedaleko od sedla je skidepot od kterého se jde na vrchol v mačkách. Sjezd pokračuje logicky na Konkordiaplatz a túra končí na chatě Konkordia. Tak je to ideální. Alternativou je výstup sjezd přes vrchol Grünegghorn, na který se musí vylézt s lyžemi na batohu.
Mönch 4107 m
Mönchsjochhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent2 km
- ascent525 m
- duration2,5-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Túra na impozantní Mnich (Mönch) je v podstatě dlouhou hřebenovkou v mačkách a s cepínem. S rostoucí výškou roste obtížnost. S úbytkem ledovcového příkrovu roste expozice. Pokud nejste horský vůdce, nepoužívejte techniku krátkého lana. V závěrečném úseku je každá chyba nevratná. Výstup přináší fantastický zážitek se spoustou výhledů na nádherný svět ledovců.
Jungfrau 4158 m
Mönchsjochhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent6 km
- ascent1430 m
- duration4,5-7 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Jungfrau is a very popular 4000 in the Bernese Alps. From the highest train station in Europe - the Jungfraujoch - you can easily board. But be careful, don't climb to the top without acclimatizing! Not far from the Jungfraujoch station is the Mönchsjochhütte or above the confluence of the Aletschgletscher Konkordia Hut. The only complication of the ascent is glacier cracks. Overcoming the crevasse under the Rottasattel can be complicated. The last climb up to the summit is climbed without skis. The descent line follows the ascent track. You have to reckon with a 450 hm ascent return to the hut.
- Country
- Switzerland
- Montains
- Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises
- Open (winter)
- March - mid May
- Beds
- 120
- Winterraum
- 16
- Shortening of access (cableway, lift, taxi, snowcat...)
- yes, by train to Jungfraujoch or cable car Fiesch - Fiescheralp
- Luggage transport
- yes, by snowcat from Jungfraujoch
- Card Pay
- yes
- Shower
- no
- Wifi
- no
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 643500
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 156100
- GPX access to hut (waipoints, track)
- MoenchsjochHut_access_all_skitour.gpx
- GPX access to hut (track only)
- MoenchsjochHut_access_all_TRK.gpx
- GPX all tours from the hut
- MoenchsjochHut_ALL_skitour.gpx
- Map
- Jungfrau 264 S, 1:50000 Finsteraarhorn, Landeskarte Schweiz Nr. 1249, 1:25000
- Guides
- Berner Alpen Ost / SAC, deutsch Die klassischen Skitouren / SAC, deutsch Les classiques de randonnée à ski / SAC, francais Scialpinismo in Svizzera / SAC, italiano
- Phone (hut)
- +41 33 971 34 72
- Phone (valley)
- +41 79 933 08 67
- Cell phone
- -
- Mobile Signal
- yes
- Web
- Owner of hut
- Genossenschaft Mönchsjochhütte
- Mönchsjochhütte
- Reservation
- online
- Online reservation
- Start Point
- Finsteraarhornhütte
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 651 860
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 152 520
- Altitude
- 3048 m
- Ascent (height difference)
- ascent 1495 hm, descent 885 hm m
- Time of Access
- 5-6,5 h
- Shortening lift
- no
- Start Point
- Konkordiahütte
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 647009
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 150087
- Altitude
- 2850 m
- Ascent (height difference)
- ascent 1100 hm, descent 175 hm, 10 k m
- Time of Access
- 3-4 h
- Shortening lift
- no
- Avalanche danger
- - Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung
- Weather
- Konkordiahuette - Meteograms Jungfraujoch / Trugberg 3880m / Gross Fiescherhorn 4049m / Alpenvereinswetter Switzerland / Switzerland - animation /
- Snow report
- Konkordiahuette - Meteograms Aletsch Arena / Wengen/ Jungfrauregion /
- Webcams
- Konkordiahuette Jungfraujoch Eggishorn
- Region
- Jungfrauregion
- Public traffic
- SBB Railway Bus -
- Skiresort nearby
- Jungfrau Aletscharena
- Other links
- Schweiz Tourism
hut Mönchsjochhütte - Reviews
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Best ski tours in mountains Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises, Switzerland
Gross Wannenhorn 3905 m
Finsteraarhornhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent6,5 km
- ascent1310 m
- duration5,5-7,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
The top of the Gross Wannenhorn is a first-class lookout tower on the largest alpine glacier, the Aletsch glacier and the many 4,000-meter peaks in the Bernese Alps. After a short descent from the Finsteraarhorn Hut over the glacier Fieschergletscher at the foot of the Wannenhorn. During the ascent along a wide slope, watch out for numerous and large crevasses. Finally, the ascent line turns westwards upwards. When driving downhill, copy the exit route and pay attention to crevasses again.
Äbeni Flue - Ebnerfluh 3962 m
Hollandiahütte (Lötschenhütte) Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent4,5 km
- ascent800 m
- duration3,5-5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Relatively easy glacier ski tour to the most popular summit of the Hollandia hut. The glacier is not too cracked and the ascent path is gradually gaining altitude. At the end, ridge is waiting between the secondary and main summits. With good visibility it is a ski tour without complications.
Hubelhorn (day 4, h.r. Swiss Glacier) 3244 m
Bächlitalhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent11,5 km
- ascent1730 m
- duration9-11 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
The Hubelhorn skitour is an ideal extension of the crossing between the Bächlitalhütte and Gaulihütte. After a short ride from the saddle, Obri Bächlilicke climbs through the steep east slope into the rocky saddle and then slightly up the crossing to Hubelhorn. Beware of some hot spots at the Gauligletscher Glacier. From Gauli hut is a nice tour through the northern slope, but in the opposite direction.
Best ski tours in Switzerland by
Strahlhorn 4190 m
Britannia Hütte Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent9,4 km
- ascent1250 m
- duration6-8 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Strahlhorn (Britannia Hütte, Walliser Alpen) is a classic glacier ski tour from Britannia Hütte. From the Adlerpass saddle, you usually go skiing to the top. To get off Saas Fee, take the Metro to the "window" at 3460 m to the Hohlaub Gletscher and start the ascent after a short ride.
Alphubel 4206 m
Britannia Hütte Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent10 km
- ascent1450 m
- duration7-10 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
ALPHUBEL (Britannia Hütte, Walliser Alpen) is seemingly lighter 4000vka, but over are dangerous glacial cracks. Ski alpinists can also go from the Saas Fee ski area, most not far from the cable car station Langfluh .
Piz Bernina 4048 m
Chamanna Boval / Bovalhütte Bernina Alps Switzerland
- Length of ascent7,5 km
- ascent1695 m
- duration8-10,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦♦
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Piz Bernina is the only 4000m peak in the Eastern Alps. The greatest danger are the huge and numerous crevasses on the Morteratsch Glacier and the ridge to the summit. Piz Bernina sets off from Chamanna Boval or Rifugio Marco e Rosa on the plateau below the summit. Bernina is a demanding alpine challenge.