Hollandiahütte (3235 m) is a mountain hut on a rocky cliff above the Lötschenlückensattel, which forms the western edge of the huge Großer Aletschgletscher glacier. Starting point for ski tours to Ebnerfluh (Äbeni Flue) and Mittaghorn. The hut is easier to reach from the Jungfraujoch saddle either via the Konkordiaplatz or the Louwitor saddle. A long ascent from Lötschental brings good acclimatization.
Tours starting from hut
Ski tours around Hut Hollandiahütte (Lötschenhütte)
Äbeni Flue - Ebnerfluh 3962 m
Hollandiahütte (Lötschenhütte) Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent4,5 km
- ascent800 m
- duration3,5-5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Relatively easy glacier ski tour to the most popular summit of the Hollandia hut. The glacier is not too cracked and the ascent path is gradually gaining altitude. At the end, ridge is waiting between the secondary and main summits. With good visibility it is a ski tour without complications.
- Country
- Switzerland
- Montains
- Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises
- Open (winter)
- mid March - mid May
- Beds
- 85
- Winterraum
- 12
- Shortening of access (cableway, lift, taxi, snowcat...)
- yes, by train to Jungfraujoch
- Luggage transport
- no
- Card Pay
- yes
- Shower
- yes
- Wifi
- no
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 640060
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 147240
- Map
- Jungfrau 264 S, 1:50000 Finsteraarhorn, Landeskarte Schweiz Nr. 1249, 1:25000 Lötschental, Landeskarte Schweiz Nr. 1268, 1:25000
- Guides
- Berner Alpen Ost / SAC, deutsch Die klassischen Skitouren / SAC, deutsch Les classiques de randonnée à ski / SAC, francais Scialpinismo in Svizzera / SAC, italiano
- Phone (hut)
- +41 27 939 11 35
- Phone (valley)
- -
- Cell phone
- +41 79 213 98 05
- Mobile Signal
- yes
- Web
- hollandiahuette.ch
- info@hollandiahuette.ch
- Owner of hut
- SAC Bern
- Hollandiahütte
- Reservation
- online form
- Online reservation
- hollandiahuette.ch
- Start Point
- Blatten - Lötschental
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 629413
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 141113
- Altitude
- 1535 m
- Ascent (height difference)
- 1720 m
- Time of Access
- 7-9 h
- Shortening lift
- no
- Start Point
- Jungfraujoch
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 651107
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 140407
- Altitude
- 3454 m
- Ascent (height difference)
- ascent 510 m, descent 740 m m
- Time of Access
- 3,5-4,5 h
- Shortening lift
- yes, accessible by train only, from Grindelwald/Lauterbrunnen
- Avalanche danger
- slf.ch - Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung
- Weather
- Konkordiahuette - Meteograms Hollandiahuette / meteoblue.com Ebnerfluh 3962m / mountain-forecast.com Schinhorn 3796m / mountain-forecast.com Sattelhorn 3723m / mountain-forecast.com Alpenvereinswetter Switzerland / meteo.ch Switzerland - animation / srf.ch
- Snow report
- Konkordiahuette - Meteograms Fiesch - Eggishorn - Aletsch / snow-forecast.com Aletsch Arena / onthesnow.com Wengen/ snow-forecast.com Jungfrauregion / snow.myswitzerland.com
- Webcams
- Konkordiahuette Jungfraujoch Faffleralp
- Region
- Jungfrauregion Blatten-Lötschental
- Public traffic
- SBB Railway Bus - Postauto.ch
- Skiresort nearby
- Jungfrau Aletscharena
- Other links
- Schweiz Tourism
hut Hollandiahütte (Lötschenhütte) - Reviews
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Best ski tours in mountains Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises, Switzerland
Finsteraarhorn 4374 m
Finsteraarhornhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent3,5 km
- ascent1280 m
- duration7-9,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Na vrchol Finsteraarhorn míří náročná ledovcová túra z chaty Finsteraarhornhütte. Hned od začátku túry jsou cestou velkolepé výhledy. Náročnější je překonání skalního žebra. Po ledovci do sedla Hugisattel s leteckým pohledem na východní stěnu. Zde je skidepot a dál v mačkách a s cepínem na skialpové poměry náročným terénem. Obtížnost lezení zásadně ovlivňuje množství a konzistence sněhu na skále. Náročný sjezd prudkými svahy kopíruje linii výstupu.
Gross Wannenhorn 3905 m
Finsteraarhornhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent6,5 km
- ascent1310 m
- duration5,5-7,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
The top of the Gross Wannenhorn is a first-class lookout tower on the largest alpine glacier, the Aletsch glacier and the many 4,000-meter peaks in the Bernese Alps. After a short descent from the Finsteraarhorn Hut over the glacier Fieschergletscher at the foot of the Wannenhorn. During the ascent along a wide slope, watch out for numerous and large crevasses. Finally, the ascent line turns westwards upwards. When driving downhill, copy the exit route and pay attention to crevasses again.
Hubelhorn (day 4, h.r. Swiss Glacier) 3244 m
Bächlitalhütte Berner Alpen / Alpes bernoises Switzerland
- Length of ascent11,5 km
- ascent1730 m
- duration9-11 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
The Hubelhorn skitour is an ideal extension of the crossing between the Bächlitalhütte and Gaulihütte. After a short ride from the saddle, Obri Bächlilicke climbs through the steep east slope into the rocky saddle and then slightly up the crossing to Hubelhorn. Beware of some hot spots at the Gauligletscher Glacier. From Gauli hut is a nice tour through the northern slope, but in the opposite direction.
Best ski tours in Switzerland by skitour.guru
Piz Calderas 3397 m
Chamanna Jenatsch / Jenatschhütte Albula Alps Switzerland
- Length of ascent km
- ascent745 m
- duration2,5-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Piz Calderas is a popular peak above Chamanna Jenatsch. From the valley above the hut turn left onto the northern slope of the glacier Vadret Calderas. Followed by travers to the glacial mulch and at the end of the southeast slope to the top. Downhill along the exit route.
Bishorn 4153 m
Cabane Tracuit Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent4,5 km
- ascent950 m
- duration5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Bishorn seems to be a relatively light 4000, but looks are deceptive. If you include the approach to Cabane Tracuit from Zinal in the ascent, it is quite a long ski tour. From the hut the ascent line leads slightly up the glacier Turtmanngletscher. Directly below the peak on the plateau you have to swap skis for crampons and comfortably climb to the panoramic summit - one of the best in all of Valais. Driving down the northern slope is usually a fantastic enjoyment, the risk of glacier cracks is minimal.
Pigne d´Arolla 3790 m
Cabane des Dix Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent6 km
- ascent1000 m
- duration5-7,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Pigne d´Arolla is a very popular and easily accessible viewpoint. The ski tour to the summit leads from the three mountain huts - Cabane Dix, Cabane Vignettes and Cabane Chanrion. The route from Dix goes around the glacial seracs to the saddle Col de la Serpentine and the summit can be reached on skis. A worthwhile summit on the Haute Routes to Zermatt.