Signalkuppe / Punta Gnifetti is the highest peak in the Alps that can be climbed on skis. At the top, you can sleep in the winter room of the highest mountain hut in the Alps - Capanna Margherita (CAI). From the top is a fantastic view of the Italian part of the Alps. In the first half of this long ski tour, watch out for numerous crevasses. The rest of the ski tour over the glacier Grenzgletscher is technically easy and there is no steep passage along the entire route. This ski mountain tour is practically impossible during low-snow winters - inquire at the Monte Rosa Hut.
- Country
- Switzerland
- Montains
- Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes
- Tags
- Alpes valaisannes Alpi Pennine Mattertal Monte Rosa Hütte Schweiz Suisse Switzerland Valais Wallis Walliser Alpen Zermatt
- Hut
- Monte Rosa Hütte
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 634026
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 86261
Start point
- Start Point
- Monte Rosa Hütte
- Altitude
- 2883 m
- UTM / CH1903 x ("longitude" E/W)
- 629148
- UTM / CH1903 y ("latitude" N/S)
- 89553
- village, valley
- Zermatt
- Avalanche danger
- SLF - Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung
- Weather
- Monte Rosa Hütte / Gornergrat 3130m / Klein Matterhorn 3880m / Gornergrat 3130m / Ludwigshöhe 4344m / Breithorn 4160m / Lyskamm 4527m / Schweiz / Schweiz TV - animation Bergwetter / Zermatt /
- Snow report
- Zermatt / Zermatt / Zermatt /
- Webcams
- Zermatt - Gornergrat Zermatt - Bahnhof Zermatt - 29 webcams
Ski tour map on Signalkuppe / Punta Gnifetti
bivakovací nouzová chata
cepín a mačky potřeba
exponovaný, obtížný terén
horská chata
hôtel, penzion
lanovka, vlek
lavinové nebezpečí, svah > 30°
ledovcové trhliny
lehká túra
mimořádně obtížná túra
mírně obtížná túra
obtížná túra
přístup k chatě
začátek ledovce
bivouac, winter room
crampons & ice axe necessary
exposed, difficulty terrain
mountain hut, refuge
hotel, pension
cableway, skilift
avalanche danger, slope > 30°
glacier cracks
little difficult tour
extremely difficult tour
rather difficult tour
difficult tour
hut acces
col, pass, saddle
peak, summit
glacier beginning
biwak, winterraum
steigeisen & pickel erforderlich
ausgesetzt, schwierige gelände
hotel, pension
seilbahn, skilift
lawinengefahr, hangneigung > 30°
wenig schwierige tour
äusserst schwierige tour
ziemlich schwierige tour
schwierige tour
zugang zur hütte
sattel, joch, pass
gletscher anfang
bivacco, locale invernale
ramponi & piccozza necessari
esposto, terreno difficolt?
rifugio, capanna
alberghi, pensione
funivia, seggiovia
pericolo di valanghe, pendenza > 30°
crepe glacier
tour piccolo difficile
tour estremamente difficile
tour piuttosto difficile
escursioni difficili
accesso capanna
col, sella, passo, forcella
sci deposito
picco, vertice, piz
inizio ghiacciaio
bivouac, local d'hiver
crampons & piolet nécessaire
exposée, difficulté du terrain
cabane de montagne, refuge
hôtel, pension
téléphérique, téléski
danger d'avalanche, pente > 30°
crevasse du glacier
peu difficile tour
extr?mement difficile tournée
assez difficile tour
difficile tournée
acces cabane
col, selle
skis dépôt
pic, sommet
début glacier
- < 20°
- 20° - 25°
- 25° - 30°
- 30° - 35°
- 35° - 40°
- > 40°
Planning of ski tour
- Fitness difficulty
- ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty
- ♦♦♦◊
- best time for this tour
- March-May
- Glacier
- Yes
- Map
- Mischabel 284 S, Swisstopo 1:50000 Zermatt 1348, Swisstopo 1:25000
- Guides
- Walliser Alpen Ost / SAC, deutsch Die klassischen Skitouren (SAC, deutsch) Les classiques de randonnée à ski (SAC, francais) Walliser Alpen (Rother, deutsch)
About Ski tour
- Time difficulty
- Ascent (height difference)
- 1680 m
- Lenght of ascent
- 8,5 km
- Descent (height difference)
- 1680 m
- Total Lenght of tour
- 17 km
- Total time of the tour
- 9-10,5 h
- Elevation Range
- 2883 - 4554 m
- Principal Aspect
- NW S-south, N-north, W-west, E-east
- GPX (track only)
- Signalkuppe_MtRosaHut_TRK.gpx best for display on a detailed topographical map ( or in apps for smartphones (Locus, Garmin Connect, etc.)
- GPX (waipoints, track)
- Signalkuppe_MtRosaHut_skitour.gpx great for uploading in GPS device
- KML (with POI)
- Signalkuppe_MtRosaHut_skitour Guru.kml for viewing in the Google Earth 3D map application, which you can install on your PC
tour Signalkuppe / Punta Gnifetti - Reviews
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Ski tours around Hut Monte Rosa Hütte, in mountains Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes, Switzerland
Breithorn - Zermatt 4164 m
Monte Rosa Hütte Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent3 km
- ascent440 m
- duration3-4 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
Breithorn can be rated as the lightest 4000 in the Alps. In any case, thanks to the support of the Klein Matterhorn cable car, which transports ski mountaineers up to 3880 m. From the cable car station (beautiful viewpoint) to the glacier plain below the summit, which can be often reached on skis. In good conditions, it is worthwhile to continue to the Schwarztor saddle and drive descent back to Zermatt. The second variant of the freeride is the descent from the Unterer Theodulgletscher. This descent is simply great up to Seehöre 2400.
Nordend - Monte Rosa 4609 m
Monte Rosa Hütte Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent7 km
- ascent1745 m
- duration10-12,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦♦
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Nordend is a very challenging glacier ski tour to an important summit in the Monte Rosa massif. The biggest problem is the huge crevasses, due to which the ascent and descent route has to be adjusted. Relevant information about this is available in the Monte Rosa Hut. Only creviasses make difficult the ascent to the saddle Silbersattel, further up the ascent without skis (crampons + ice axe) bends along a relatively exposed slope to the summit. The descent is fantastic, but watch out for cracks again. Simply put, challenging ski tour!
Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour - Monte Rosa 4634 m
Monte Rosa Hütte Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent6,5 km
- ascent1760 m
- duration9-11,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦♦
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦♦
Dufourspitze / Punta Dufour je nejvyšším vrcholem Švýcarska v masivu Monte Rosa. Skialpinistická túra na vrchol je až do výšky 4000 m shodná s výstupem na Norden. Trasa na Dufourspitze se pak stáčí jižním směrem na ledovec Satteltolle na odtud bez lyží po hřebeni na vrchol. Původní trasa výstupu ze sedla Silbersattel je od roku 2019 nelezitelná, fixní lana byla odstraněna.
Best ski tours in Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes by
Bishorn 4153 m
Cabane Tracuit Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent4,5 km
- ascent950 m
- duration5-6,5 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
Bishorn seems to be a relatively light 4000, but looks are deceptive. If you include the approach to Cabane Tracuit from Zinal in the ascent, it is quite a long ski tour. From the hut the ascent line leads slightly up the glacier Turtmanngletscher. Directly below the peak on the plateau you have to swap skis for crampons and comfortably climb to the panoramic summit - one of the best in all of Valais. Driving down the northern slope is usually a fantastic enjoyment, the risk of glacier cracks is minimal.
Alphubel 4206 m
Britannia Hütte Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent10 km
- ascent1450 m
- duration7-10 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦♦◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦♦◊
ALPHUBEL (Britannia Hütte, Walliser Alpen) is seemingly lighter 4000vka, but over are dangerous glacial cracks. Ski alpinists can also go from the Saas Fee ski area, most not far from the cable car station Langfluh .
La Luette 3547 m
Cabane des Dix Walliser Alpen / Alpes valaisannes Switzerland
- Length of ascent3 km
- ascent710 m
- duration1,5-3 h
- Fitness difficulty ♦♦◊◊
- Technical difficulty ♦♦◊◊
La Luette je vděčná túra z chaty Cabane Dix. Po mírném svahu na ledovec Glacier de la Luette a v závěru po hřebenu na vrchol. Pouhých 500 výškových metrů od chaty může být lákadlem pro odpolední túru poté, když dorazíte brzo na chatu Dix.